Elkhorn Area High School is committed to creating relevance for our students so that they and their families have the necessary resources to make informed decisions about postsecondary education, training, and careers for life after high school. 21st century students are driven by ideas and innovations. They learn in a variety of ways and should be able to demonstrate readiness in a variety of ways. EAHS, therefore, is committed to ensuring your future success by building a four-year experience that includes:
A quality core-centered curriculum.
A sequence of courses that build from introductory to advanced levels.
Developing citizenship, technical, collaboration, and leadership skills through participation in at least one Career and Technical Student Organization and/or other co-curricular activities.
Dual credit attainment.
Earn Industry Recognized Credentials.
Career-based learning experiences such as job shadows, internships, part-time jobs, co-op, or youth-apprenticeship.