Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of 24 credits (Carnegie units - 15.5 specific; 8.5 elective) are required for graduation from Elkhorn Area High School. Additional credits may be taken beyond the minimum 24 required for graduation. Four years of high school enrollment is required except as otherwise provided.

Students must be enrolled in a minimum of (5) classes each trimester unless approved by the principal or designee.


 Required Credits



One credit of English is required each year.

Social Studies


(1) credit World Cultures (9), (1) credit U.S. History (10),
(1/2) credit Government (11), (1/2) credit Economics (12).



Students are required to take three credits of Math. 



Students are required to take (1) credit life, (1) physical and (1) elective. Some PLTW and Agricultural Science classes may count as an elective.

Physical Ed*


Students are required to take (.5) credit of PE1 and (1) credit of electives.*



A  (.5) credit Health course is required at the freshman level.



Personal Financial Literacy (11-12).



Elective credits are credits from courses not used to satisfy any of the above-required credits



Civics Test

In order to be eligible for a District high school diploma, a student must have taken and successfully completed the state-required civics test while enrolled in the high school grades in the District or, as determined by the administration, in another qualifying school or program. Students will be allowed to retake the test an unlimited number of times in order to achieve a passing score. A student with a disability for whom an individualized education program (IEP) is in effect must also take the civics test. However, his/her graduation shall not be conditioned on the successful completion of the test. A limited-English proficient student will be permitted to take the civics test in the student's language of choice.

*Students may waive (.5) credit of the required (1.5) phy ed credits if they complete an additional (.5) credit in English, social studies, mathematics, or science and they participate in a school-sponsored sport for an entire season during grades 9-11 or the fall and winter season of grade 12. The additional (.5) credit must be above the minimum required number of credits for a particular subject area. EASD Board Policy 345.6